The art of communication is more about what you look like than it is what you say.
If there is one thing that social media teaches us is that visual posts are infinitely more popular that text posts. And a great image is infinitely more popular than a drab image.
Science confirms the analytical statistics by telling us that our brain responses to an image 60,000 faster than to plain old text.
The hugely respected site ClickZ published an article that explains this better than I could, visit it here. They list their five tips for amazing visual content which I have summarised:
1. Focus on quality, because a bad stock photo is a bad stock photo and it gives the message that you like bad stock photography.
2. Use visuals assets in context, as random beautiful image don’t add to your message they just confuse
3. Colours, pick them carefully as they really do set the mood
4. Typography, because you do have to write some stuff down but better it looks appealing
5. Text, you do need to add text just make sure that what you do write is good, not boring or rushed, but really well thought out and brief.