Crush Design and Creative Marketing Limited has been established in the centre of Chesterfield for about 7 years now. During that time I have kept a close eye on how the digital sector has been developing in the town.
Earlier this year the Government released a very comprehensive report that they called ‘Tech Nation’ which looked to assess and then help plot the future of technology in the UK.
Some of the headlines include:
– 1.56 million people are employed in digital tech roles
– On average 2.8 digital jobs are created for every 1 non-digital role
– The digital tech industries grew 32% faster than everyone else
Click here to see the full report.
It is clear that the future success of any local economy will be digital, but is Chesterfield keeping up? Will the local community, which suffers from high rates of unemployment, benefit from this growth?
Crush Design is a perfect examples of this growth as our success have resulted in 6, and soon to be 7 new jobs being created. But there are challenges that we could do with some help to overcome.
But I worry that not enough is being done.
I would be interested to hear what you think?
And why is the East Midlands so under represented?